There is a lot more to becoming your web page designer than just designing your site. For choosing me as your site designer, I offer the following free and small fee services:
At all times, from the second I begin designing your site, you will have my email address. If a problem arises or you are concerned in any way about the functioning of your site you may email me. Even if I finished your site years ago. Only if I have to re-do your site or add an entire page or more will you be charged a small fee. It is free to for my consultation always.
Everything will be your decision! In deciding where we shall host your page right down to the color of a button graphic I want you to be %100 satisfied. If there is any thing, no matter how small, you do not like on your site, please tell me and we will work together to fix it.
I will try to bring as much traffic to your site as I can. Most web designers charge a fee for submitting your site to engines and helping you to promote it. This fee is usually decided upon how many search engines they send your site to, the more submissions the more you pay.
I offer this service to you free! I will submit your site to as many search engines as possible and will help you in the promotion of your site as much as I possibly can.
The only charge for submitting sites if the Search Engine is one that requires payment ~ then you shall have to pay that search engine..this is not part of my service. Hopefully, we will be able to bring hundreds of hits to your site a day!
If you are looking to have a site done for a your child, ages 1 day ~ 3 years I do for free. Proud parents shouldn't be charged a fee to show they're new editions to the world!
Ages 4 ~ 8 also recieve a discount of everything half-price. Please, email me if you are having a website done for a child and we will discuss everything in greater detail.
Payment shall be made in the form of money orders only.
I do not accept checks or credit cards. I am sorry if this is an inconvience, but I have been burned before.
At the time for payment I will give you my mailing address and the needed information to send the money order. At that time you may send the amount to me.
Your site will not be put online until payment is recieved!.
You may decide to send cash, but I do not recommend it. If your cash is lost or stolen in the mail and I do not recieve it, your site will not be put online.
For a small fee I will maintain your site after I have completed all of my work on it. Fees will be determined on the length of time you wish to employ my "Site UpKeep". These fees cover any changes or add-tos you wish to make in the time covered by your payment. Complete page re-dos or adding entire new pages is a different matter. Here are the upkeeps that this fee will and will not cover:
Not Covered
Adding new things you want on your page
Slight make-over of a page or two
Adding Links
Helping with any problems that arise
Adding more than 1 new page
Total revamping of the site
Constant updates (such as changing dates monthly)
Movement of site to new domain
Of course, both of these fees are optional.